A cocktail that tastes like it was made by the gods themselves: Kir & Kir Royale

Perfect Potions
3 min readFeb 26, 2020


These are two iconic French cocktails and one has to hand it to the French for mastering the art of creating a delicious cocktail for almost any occasion; If you are in the mood for a relaxed evening with friends and family or maybe for a leisurely lunch occasion, try a Kir. If you are celebrating and in a festive mood for some bubbly, try a Kir Royal

Kir: a simple drink that consists of 2 ingredients — a chilled crisp dry White Wine & Crème de Cassis. It was created in Burgundy, France in 1904 by a waiter named who had the brilliant idea of combining white wine with Crème de Cassis. The sweetness of the Crème de Cassis balances the dryness and the acidity of the white wine especially the Aligoté white wines.

Kir has often been maligned as a cloyingly sweet cocktail. This is usually a result of a heavy-handed pour of the Crème de Cassis. However, with the right proportions, it makes for a refreshing cocktail with sweet and tart notes.

The drink was initially known as “Cassis Blanc” that later came to be known as Kir in honour of , the Mayor of Dijon from 1945 right up to his death in 1968. was a catholic priest and a decorated World War II résistance hero who along with the local resistance group rescued more than 5000 prisoners of war from the Nazi camp at Longvic, near Dijon.

The first Crème de Cassis was born in Dijon in 1841 by Auguste-Denis Lagoute, when it replaced the existing sweet aperitif called Ratafia.

Since Felix Kir was known for his efforts to support local products, he used to serve this cocktail by combing the Crème de Cassis with the local Aligoté white wines at all official events thereby making the cocktail famous.

Like all classic cocktails, the legends about its origins are abundant. One of the interesting stories, however, is that during World War II, the Nazis had looted all the prized red Burgundy wines. As a result, in an act of resistance Felix Kir is said to have declared this red-hued cocktail as the official drink of Dijon.



  • 2 ½ shots White Wine
  • ¾ shot Crème de Cassis
  • 2 ½ shots White Wine


  • Pour half the chilled Wine into the glass
  • Add the Crème de Cassis
  • Top with rest of the White Wine

The combination of the local flavour of cassis with white wine became extremely popular across France. The French upper class decided to elevate the cocktail to their status by substituting the peasant wine with Champagne. Thus, Kir Royale was born.



  • ½ shot Crème de Cassis
  • Top with Brut Champagne


  • Pour Crème de Cassis into the glass
  • Top with Champagne

For those who do not know what Crème de Cassis is; It is a sweet and tart, dark red Liqueur in which the Blackcurrant is the star ingredient. It originated from Dijon in the Burgundy region. Cassis means Blackcurrant in French. What sets a Crème de Cassis apart from other berry liqueurs is the depth of flavour and texture. This liqueur is made through a process of both infusion and maceration and is made of blackcurrants, a high proof spirit, sugar, water and buds from the cassis fruit. Be sure to buy a high- quality Crème de Cassis as a poor product will lose its aroma and viscosity.

Originally published at http://perfectpotions.co on February 26, 2020.



Perfect Potions

I believe that great friends and great memories are made over cocktails. Cocktails should not merely be used to celebrate special occasions, but to elevate an o